Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The latest challenge - SMILE

Do you smile? Do you always smile? Do you smile in the morning? afternoon? evening?


Smile is actually a big challenge for customer-facing companies today but smile always provide a little "value added" service. This little effort will always help your business to grow by receiving good feedback and good impresion from your customers.

There are a lot of ways companies trying to make sure that their staff always smile when facing customer. Some using cameras and rate how their staff smile before talking or approaching customer.

Service is actually start with the management. If the manager treat their staff the way they want their staff to treat customers, then they will get good service results. A happy staff makes a happy customer. If the morale staff is low or bad the more likely they will receive unhappy feedback from customers.

Smile is a learned and observable behaviour. When we learn how to train employees in observable behaviours that we want to see exhibited to our customers, we can raise the bar on our customer service standard. Telling them isn't good enough - we need to demonstrate, model and measure the behaviour that we expect.

So you know why I do always smile....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hello, welcome to out CD. Can you hear the blatant similarity? To Linoleum and Shadows of Defeat.

Ahh...writing, that is what I'm sux at most. I'm no good in Bahasa, English or whichever language as I do not speak and write literary. I admit that I am best at listening than talking or writing as I do have big ears. This is where my talent lies, is to listen as I have big pair of ears.

To talk while listening may need greater height of IQ, how fast your brain can process in milliseconds. If our brain able to process fast enough information or able to absorb information to do other simple task like talking, then there will be no listener left to listen. So we do need idiots to listen while the intelligent talks but do all listeners are idiots? Nope, I'm wrong.

For me, the person who listen and learn may have the possession to surpass one mankind. He or she may have the ability to absorb and to deliver in the right way, on the right time and to the right person. One of the best way to deliver this in your daily life is call anger.

Anger is an emotion where you make a conscious choice to immediately stop the behaviour of another outside force. Anger may increase your heart rate, blood pressure and levels of adrenaline. Anger is viewed as an immature or uncivilized response to frustration, threat, violation and loss. Anger also can lead us to act violently, verbally and physically abuse and hurt others.

There are two types of anger; passive and aggressive.

Passive anger are more likely express secretly by talking behind people's back, anonymous complaints and avoiding conflict. Passive anger may lead to self-blaming, obsessive behaviour and even self-suicide.

Aggressive anger is more on physical and verbal approach. Threatening, bullying, vengeance, destroying are examples of aggressive anger.

I know that you may have your own self anger management method. Feel free to share what's in your mind or how you manage your anger so that it can deliver in a right way, on the right time and to the right person.